在TutorABC工作:146則評論 | 全省銀行資訊
146筆TutorABC員工的公司點評:工資薪水,獎金福利,上班族甘苦談,企業文化,尾牙,年終獎,年假,晉升階梯和工作穩定性....TutorABCRemoteTutor(離職員工)-HongKong,HK-2020年6月27日.Ifyouhaveafamilyorneedextra ...
You set your own schedule of when you want to work. But even if you set your availability from 9am to 17pm, as a new consultant, youll find teaching opportunities between 12pm and 16pm. Weekends have the best opportunities, you can start work from as early as 2:30 am (but thats insane) so even for normal humans, if you book your availability from 9am to 17pm on weekends, you should get at least 4 classes to teach on both Saturday and Sunday respectively, and at best get to teach up to 10 or more classes in a single day. The pay is lousy unless you have prior experience but I can guarantee that you that the experience you will gain from this company is invaluable: youll teach young children from as young as 5 and adults from as old as 60, youll have 1-on-1 classes, 1-on-2 to 1-on-6, youll learn how to teach 25 min classes, 40 min classes and 45 min classes. The degree of experience is immeasurable. So, I would h...
[心得] tutorABC面試經驗- 看板Soft | 全省銀行資訊
問tutorABC的工作內容 | 全省銀行資訊
TutorABC | 全省銀行資訊
[問題] 麥奇數位TutorABC | 全省銀行資訊
ಠ_ಠ Qollie | 全省銀行資訊
在TutorABC工作:146則評論 | 全省銀行資訊
在TutorABC工作:員工評論 | 全省銀行資訊
TutorABC | 全省銀行資訊
TutorABC | 全省銀行資訊
我接到了TutorABC面試... | 全省銀行資訊
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