Jones Day > Hong Kong > Hong Kong | 全省銀行資訊
JonesDay'sHongKongofficeformsakeypartofthefirm'scohesiveAsiaIPoffering,whichalsodrawsupontheexpertiseoflawyersbasedinmainlandChina ...
The firm: Jones Day is a global law firm with more than 2,500 lawyers in 43 offices across five continents. The firm is distinguished by: a singular tradition of client service; the mutual commitment to, and the seamless collaboration of, a true partnership; formidable legal talent across multiple disciplines and jurisdictions; and shared professional values that focus on client needs.
Jones Day is an institutional partner for clients who seek counsel that seeks to understand them and their needs; that communicates with clients about their needs and the different tactics available for addressing those needs; that works seamlessly and impressively across offices and practices and with the client; that provides talent and expertise across subject areas and geographies; and that brings commitment and courage to the relationship and its engagements. We are formidable because every partner and every client has the entire glo...
香港| Locations | 全省銀行資訊
Hong Kong | 全省銀行資訊
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高嘉盈Ko, Donna | 團隊 | 全省銀行資訊
Sharon Yiu | 團隊 | 全省銀行資訊
Joelle Lau | 全省銀行資訊
Careers | 全省銀行資訊
Daniel Shum | 全省銀行資訊
Jones Day > Hong Kong > Hong Kong | 全省銀行資訊
Officers: Jones Day (HK) 眾達國際法律事務所 | 全省銀行資訊
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