Syneos Health Clinical(美国):556 则点评 | 全省銀行資訊
The company is a contract sales organization. Need I say more? If you don’t mind living job to job, not knowing when your job is going to end, ok with them kind of trying to find you another job within six months of letting you go, then this is the place for you. If you are trying to break into Pharma sales or between jobs and really need income, this company is an ok option. Managers, like any other company run the gamut. I’ve worked for an absolutely excellent manager And I currently work for a horrible manager with no outside sales experience. Uhgg. You may get a manager who cares about you, but the company doesn’t.
优点Great work life balance.
缺点You are the product. They don’t care about you. They hire you to work for a different company.
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Syneos Health Clinical(美国):556 则点评 | 全省銀行資訊
Syneos Health Clinical(美国):555 则点评 | 全省銀行資訊
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